We bring people together to challenge themselves to gain better position in life and in career
Our Mission
To organize factual content, make it comprehensive, understandable, and easy to use.

We produce factual content based documents for students to gain the understanding of the topic in order to obtain a better lifestyle and career.
Our Courses
This list is just the start, as more courses are being designed
Home Network Security
How to secure your home network system. Simple changes to your thinking and router settings that will lower the risk of intrusion substantially.
Business Network Security
Network security in your business is very important task and goal. Knowing what the router settings do and understanding the math associated with the settings is not hard to grasp. Simple changes in the right manner will increase your network security tremendously.
Electronic Component Identification
Have you even wondered what all those components on a circuit board are and what they do? This course will identify most of the components and explain the general function of the components. Also, you will learn how to find information about those components.
Analog Digital Electronics : Analog Studies
This book is designed and written in a manner to explain basic components used in analog circuitry. A description of the component is covered. The function on the component is discussed. How the component is connected to the circuit is shown via the use of schematics. Other drawings are used to help elaborate the functionality of the component and circuit. And let’s not forget the math, as the needed formulas are provided. Each circuit is mathematically solved with the details in a chart format.
Why Choose Us
We provide content rich books and online-courses centered around electronics and networking
Retainable Content
We aim to make complicated topics meaningful and understandable
Concise Training
Books and online training are available
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The Expert

Doug Abramson
I got interested in the radio world early in life. While I was in the 9th grade I built my amateur radio station. Built using the Knight Kit R-55 Receiver and T-60 Transmitter. But without a ham license station it was a glorified SWL station (for any of you who remember what SWL means!). The problem : I lived 330 mile to the nearest FCC office, I was in High School with no drivers license, and I was born and raised on a farm (which is a 365 day per year life style. The VE program was not in operation.). So it was not until 1979 that I finally obtained the novice license. That was after college (electronics degree) and a 4 year employment with Hewlett Packard. But that was good / great time to be on the air.
I attended Oregon Institute of Technology, Klamath Falls, after high school graduation. I knew that I belonged in the technical world, and still live in the technical world. I graduated with an electronics Engineering degree (lloonngg many years ago).
I enjoy doing teaching and training. Even did such training tasks at some of my employment years. I have been a teaching a good portion of my life covering many different topics. This is the fun part of my life! Working with other like minded volunteers endeavoring in increasing their knowledge in electronics. I found that it is crime when employees at any company who assemble products but have no understanding in how that product functions, and where in the industry that that product lives. Thus I would spend short snip-ets of time and give small training-ets on what was in their hand at that moment.